
Highlights of Quark's "Safe Production Month" in 2021

News 1058

Implement the "four priorities", with the goal of preventing and defusing major risks in advance and fundamentally eliminating potential accidents as the goal, effectively strengthen the work safety under the conditions of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, focus on promoting the three-year action of special rectification of safety, tighten and compact safety responsibilities, thoroughly investigate potential safety risks, solidly promote the rectification of problems, and effectively curb production safety accidents. Starting from June 1, 2021, Quark New Materials carried out a series of safety activities with the theme of "implementing safety responsibilities and promoting safety development" throughout the company.

一、Extensive publicity and launching to create a strong atmosphere

Hang large publicity banners of "Safe Production Month" in the main road areas of the company, and post posters; Publicize the relevant knowledge of safety production to all employees by means of posters and relevant publicity materials with the theme of "implementing safety responsibility and promoting safety development".

二、Carry out "enterprise safety culture" activities

From the beginning of June, the theme banner of "Safety Production Month" and safety slogans will be hung everywhere in the company. Safety warning boards and signboards with warning, suggestive and prohibitive contents shall be made to remind each employee of their sense of safety responsibility. The person in charge of safety shall hold an education meeting on safety production activities for all employees at the production site, widely publicize safety production laws and regulations, knowledge and skills, and deeply explain the specific contents of the responsibility of the main body of enterprise safety production by watching safety production publicity videos and other forms, Promote the establishment of safety production responsibility consciousness, the popularization of safety concept and the improvement of safety quality.

三、Hold safety and environmental protection training

  1. Training on key points of on-site inspection for special law enforcement inspection in VOCs industry;

  2. Safety and environmental protection training for all staff;

  3. Training on standardized management of hazardous wastes;

  4. Gas cylinder safety management and emergency response training

  5. Carry out "emergency plan drill" activities.

四、"Emergency plan drill" activity

Since June, "emergency plan drill" has been carried out as planned. All departments are required to carry out emergency rescue drills against typhoon and flood, electric shock, fire fighting, etc., and formulate safety supervision measures, emergency measures for flood control and rescue, and measures against high temperature weather according to the production characteristics in summer and rainy seasons.

Quark will take this safety production month activity as an opportunity to do a good job in safety production, take "Safe production and safe life" as the safety goal, rely on the unremitting efforts of all employees to achieve safety without accidents, and make a strong guarantee for the company's safety production.